Saturday, March 19, 2011


Okay I have lots of blogging to do to re-cap my spring break (which was amaaaaazing by the way) but I'm too tired right now, so be eagerly anticipating that post in the near future.

This is just a note to the general public: Quit freaking trying to be who you think everyone wants you to be. Own up to your own individual identity, and stop attempting to collect fragments of everyone around you in a desperate quest to be someone people will like. Guess what, people will like you a lot more if you are genuine and confident in who you are instead of morphing into someone different depending on who you are around. This is always made so clear to me as I sift through the 10ish blogs I glance at every day (embarrassing? yea maybe.) Blogging is a fad, I get it. I don't get where the transition from sharing-your-personal-feelings-and-thoughts became talking-about-whatever-i-see-on-other-people's-blogs-and-pretending-like-i-like-it-too. Hate to break it to you copycloggers, but the whole point of your blog just kind of went down the drain.

K peace.

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