Tuesday, August 31, 2010

letter one

this blog post and probably many to come will be inspired by todaysletters.com

check it out. they are precious and witty and a wonderful depiction of love.

Dear Best Friend: i'm going to try to be better about blogging this semester, partly just for my sanity and a good break from studying. please hold me accountable. also, i want to be the best maid of honor ever, so if that means you have to be bridezilla, go for it. Dear Bike: please stop giving me blisters, i hate you already. Dear Professors: I don't want to be in class, you don't seem to enjoy teaching very much, so maybe we can just compromise and have an easy semester? Dear Roommates: I love you so much. I can't promise to always be emotionally stable or in a good mood, but know that you are both my favorites. Let's be friends forever.