Thursday, March 31, 2011


Today has been kind of sucky. Woke up at 6:30, two tests, sore throat, blah blah blah. I've pretty much just been complaining all day, so I decided not to do an actual blog post.

Instead, I'm just going to take a nap and hope that when I wake up these little guys will be here to play with me!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

music day.

It's music day!

First: I'm not a country fan AT ALL but seriously the lyrics of this Miranda Lambert song are wonderful and applicable to my life. I love it.

Miranda Lambert - "Heart Like Mine"

The next 3 songs are all artists that will be at the concert I will be attending on my birthday! I seriously get so excited when I think about that day.

Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros - "Home"

Old Crow Medicine Show - "Wagon Wheel"

MUMFORD AND SONS - "Winter Winds"


Before we go, can I just say one more time how FREAKING EXCITED I AM TO SEE MUMFORD AND SONS. Okay, excuse the freak-out. The end.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

45 days

LISTEN UP PEOPLE, GRADUATION IS IN 45 DAYS. Do you know what that means? FREEDOM.

Okay, remember back in middle school/myspace days when people would post notes with anonymous messages to their friends? I loved that. In fact, i'm pretty sure I did one like every week. So in memory of the good ole' scrawny legs, unibrow, braces days I'm bringing it back.

Disclaimer: There might be multiple notes in here intended for a single person...and by might I mean there are. Maybe even multiple people.

-Channing. Mumford and Sons. Gay. Happy Hour. The Library. Murphy's Law. 4-Letter word days. Driving. LOVELOVELOVE.

-I'm blessed by our dear friendship, always full of Jesus Jukes and inappropriate jokes. Can't wait to see the letter you write me.

-We're not friends, stop pretending we are just to make yourself feel better. I'm not over it, I probably never will be. Something like that doesn't just go away.

-I love our friendship story. From Impact to roommates and now just friends, you are such a joy in my life. I love hanging out/talking every week. You and your stunna' shades will forever be in my life.

-I've seriously never met someone more self-obsessed than you. I hope you see it someday...that the world doesn't revolve around you.

-You are one of the wisest people I've ever met. I value your advice and thoughts more than anyone and I'm glad we're still able to be friends...even after everything.

-I can't imagine my life without you in it, looking back 8 years to the first day I met you never fails to bring a smile to my face.

-I pray for you everyday. Not many people understand you, but you're family and I love you. I believe Jesus is going to do big things with your life.

-You have hurt me more than anyone else in my entire life. I've never felt more used and stabbed in the back. Forget you. Don't expect to ever hear from me again.

-You've become one of my best friends. I call you at least 3 times a day, and the fact that you always know just what to say is seriously a blessing. I am constantly encouraged and affirmed by your advice and love.

-Freshman year Wil Group, who knew? Best friend now, who knew? I love that I have the freedom to be myself around you.

-You are surrounded by fake people. I pray that you grow up and realize that none of them actually care...before it's too late. Start the countdown.

-I love the idea of you...not the actuality. You constantly make me laugh and for that I'm thankful. You have so much growing up to do though.

-Learn to talk to my face...not my phone or facebook. I'll respect you a lot more.

I have more, but it's nap time. Perhaps this will be continued...

Peace and Blessings.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

spring break.

I logged on with every intention of apologizing for my little rant last night... but then I read it again and decided that I was in fact, not sorry at all. It's all still true.

Spring Break 2011 story time!

Friday and Saturday were spent in good ole Waco, TX. Heather took the GRE and I was her tag-a-long for the weekend. We enjoyed wonderful hotel beds, had a ghetto movie theater adventure, then she kicked butt on her test while I lounged around and just appreciated the fact that I was not in College Station.

Sunday, off to Deer Park! We made it just in time for the Bachelor finale, which thanks to Reality Steve's TV spoilers was not a surprise at all. I want to like Emily...but I don't. Too good to be true much?

Monday = super hipster day. Seriously, we went all out. Dressed in our I'm-better-than-you outfits, cruisin' in Bekah's car (sorry sister), Heather and I took downtown Houston by storm. Spent a couple hours in the Art Museum during which I made a couple observations:
1. Everyone who worked there was tiny and Asian.
2. I LOVE anything painted around the Renaissance era.
3. Certain art can also be used as a runway...
Anyways, then we went to a couple cute little shops, both found hawwwwt dresses for killer deals, saw the King's Speech in a precious little vintage movie theater, and enjoyed being the only people eating at California Pizza Kitchen. Quite the day, I couldn't have enjoyed more if I tried!

I think Tuesday was pretty chill cause I don't have any exciting stories.

Wednesday was deemed travel day. We left pretty early, headed back to C-Stat, then chilled for a while before the trek to Austin! Once there we went to Chuy's (duh) with Mama Miller and chatted about our life drama, and then off to see this goofball.

I've known this Pooh Bear since 7th grade and he has spent the last 8 months serving in Iraq. He's one of my best friends, and I'm so thankful I got to spend so much time with him during his 2 weeks leave!

Thursday: HAPPY ST. PADDY'S DAY! This plus the fact that SXSW is currently happening in Austin made for a delightful combo that resulted in exploring 6th street that night. I would share stories, but's some pictures instead. I will say that it was one of the most fun nights I have had in LONG time... and full of many hilarious memories.

Ready to hit tha' city!

some man love

forever friends :)

One of my favorites from the night haha!

love these ladies!

Sitting on the curb at 4am. These girls will be in my life for forever!

Needless to say, most of Friday was spent sleeping, saying bye to Heather, and then going back to sleep.

Saturday: shopping with the mama, Salt Lick with what I like to call the "extended family" of Viks and Pulidos, aaaand GAME NIGHT! Full of inappropriate jokes and lots of laughter as always!

Today I went to church, said bye to my Vinny Pooh, took a nap, and headed back to College Station. I put it off as long as possible, coming back always sucks. I keep telling myself only 2 more months!! I pretty much don't care about anything else in this town, and my mind is always somewhere else, so most of the time it already feels like i've moved on in every way except physically.

Longest.Post.Ever. FINISHED.

P.S. I already miss this goober...

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Okay I have lots of blogging to do to re-cap my spring break (which was amaaaaazing by the way) but I'm too tired right now, so be eagerly anticipating that post in the near future.

This is just a note to the general public: Quit freaking trying to be who you think everyone wants you to be. Own up to your own individual identity, and stop attempting to collect fragments of everyone around you in a desperate quest to be someone people will like. Guess what, people will like you a lot more if you are genuine and confident in who you are instead of morphing into someone different depending on who you are around. This is always made so clear to me as I sift through the 10ish blogs I glance at every day (embarrassing? yea maybe.) Blogging is a fad, I get it. I don't get where the transition from sharing-your-personal-feelings-and-thoughts became talking-about-whatever-i-see-on-other-people's-blogs-and-pretending-like-i-like-it-too. Hate to break it to you copycloggers, but the whole point of your blog just kind of went down the drain.

K peace.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

you're so vain, you probably think this blog is about you.

This Month:

I will write music

I will be confident in my future

I will be joyful

These are my three goals for the month. One for my own enjoyment, one for peace of mind, and one for my own sanity. I'm a list maker, so narrowing these thoughts down to three took some time. That's probably why they are so broad and generalized, but i firmly believe in setting achievable goals, and I enjoy feeling accomplished so deal with it.

This semester has been one of difficult realizations, but I have never been more grateful in my entire life. I appreciate my family so much more. I am that much more thankful for the ones in my life who truly know me. I have learned in many different ways through examining my own heart and observing others around me the kind of person I want to be... and the kind I want nothing to do with. I am thankful God gave me His Word, which serves as a better life map than any ideas I have. I am incredibly blessed to know what an encouraging, life-building, passionate community and accountability looks like, and I am thankful for my ability to recognize that's not what I currently have. That might sound strange, but to me it's a reminder to not settle. To know what the Lord calls me to, and not be willing to live my life just passing through.

To be continued probably.