Monday, February 14, 2011

vday meh.

I'm not a Valentine's Day girl. Never have been, probably never will be. I also just realized that I started my post 365 days ago with the same sentence. Go look it up. See, things don't change. It's not cause i'm single, i've had my fair share of Vday celebrations with a significant other...the magic of the holiday just never blew my socks off.

I just think if you're gonna show someone how much you love them, why not do it February 13th? Like why not wake them up, make them breakfast, and say "surprise, i love you early."

Today I'm thankful for:
-People who know me well, know how to make me smile, and always know what to say.
-The beautiful weather.
-Peace of mind.

I procrastinated too much this weekend, and now I have a crap load of reading and papers. Damn typical. I can't begin to describe how ready I am for this school thing to be over.

Shout out to my LLF. Be mine? ♥

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