Saturday, January 1, 2011


I seriously can't believe it's 2011. The last year sped by so quickly, looking back makes me wonder if I enjoyed it to its fullest. I can not even begin to describe the incredible lessons, journeys, and adventures that I was a part of in 2010. I without a doubt can say I am a different person than I was on this day 365 days ago.

Last night, I remembering telling a new friend "2011 is going to be a big year for me." I have no idea what possessed me to say this honestly. Maybe it was my secret hope that all my dreams will come true this year... or maybe it was just one glass of champagne too many. Either way, I'm choosing to go with it.

I thought about re-visiting the highlights of this last year, but honestly I have no desire to do that. I learned a lot of hard lessons, grew up a lot, and made some rough decisions. I also lived my life to the max, had no regrets, and experienced sweet friendship. I have decided that it can all be summed up in this: I lived and learned to the fullest. Whatever that even means.

Instead I would like to reflect on the year ahead, cause hey 2011 is going to be a big year for me remember? As of now, the unknown outnumbers the known to an alarming degree, but I don't feel like having a nervous breakdown right now so we're choosing to ignore that fact.

-I know that this year involves me being a college graduate, better sister, and an actual adult.

-I don't know where I will be living, what I will be doing, or who I will be with.

I will continue to be myself, love being myself, and not let others change what I believe. Happy New Years :)

Due to celebrating, I did not in fact get this post published before midnight soooo happy January 2nd everybody!

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