Monday, September 27, 2010

letter ten

Dear Absolutely Wonderful, Beautiful, Cool, Breezy Texas Weather: PLEASE stay forever. Dear Creepy Subway Worker: I know i've been there twice in the last week, but you reminding me that you remember every detail about what I was wearing last time completely weirds me out. Dear Savior: Most of my life consists of me feeling lost, broken, and clueless. It's refreshing to know that in You, I don't have to feel that way. Dear Papers: I'm going to just quit writing you soon, how bad can not graduating be? Dear Scary Movies: It's because of you that I have ran from my car to my front door every time I've gotten home after dark this week. I'm not sure why I continue watching you, but it probably won't stop. Dear Watermelon Sour Patch: Best. Snack. Ever.

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