10 days ago I typed this and saved it as a draft to be finished later:
Well I've put it off long enough I guess. My throat is sore from holding back so many tears this weekend. I let so many fall as well. It feels surreal, exciting, nerve-wracking, hopeful, and so far away at the same time.
I'm officially a college graduate. Degree in hand I marched across that stage and felt proud of myself. Proud that my perseverance paid off. Proud to find joy after trials. Proud of my family. Proud of who I am. I am so blessed by the people around me. My incredible life long friends and a family that are seriously the best, I am a freaking lucky girl. I loved celebrating and rejoicing with all of them yesterday, knowing that it was the last time in a while we would all be together. Saying goodbye to my beautiful best friend and roommate started the wave of tears that have continued almost consistently since then. Tears of sadness yes, but also of joy. Knowing that these people will be in my life forever makes me so happy I cry. I know I know it sounds like a big drama depressing fest... but I loved it in a crazy way.
Packing up my life into a car was difficult and sentimental. Saying goodbye to my mom and baby sister broke my heart. 4 months isn't that long Hallie...you can do it. Thankful to my dad for being incredible and helping me drive the first 12 hours. Saying goodbye to him tomorrow will just be the icing on this blubber party. I'm sitting in the hotel ready to make the 6 hour trip tomorrow to Camp RedCloud to start my first real job in the middle of the mountains!
I'll be a good girl and post this summer...at least once.
One chapter finished, and on to the next!

yea that's where I'm living suckkaaa
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