This Month:
I will write music
I will be confident in my future

I will be joyful

These are my three goals for the month. One for my own enjoyment, one for peace of mind, and one for my own sanity. I'm a list maker, so narrowing these thoughts down to three took some time. That's probably why they are so broad and generalized, but i firmly believe in setting achievable goals, and I enjoy feeling accomplished so deal with it.
This semester has been one of difficult realizations, but I have never been more grateful in my entire life. I appreciate my family so much more. I am that much more thankful for the ones in my life who truly know me. I have learned in many different ways through examining my own heart and observing others around me the kind of person I want to be... and the kind I want nothing to do with. I am thankful God gave me His Word, which serves as a better life map than any ideas I have. I am incredibly blessed to know what an encouraging, life-building, passionate community and accountability looks like, and I am thankful for my ability to recognize that's not what I currently have. That might sound strange, but to me it's a reminder to not settle. To know what the Lord calls me to, and not be willing to live my life just passing through.
To be continued probably.
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