Saturday, February 12, 2011


Couple thoughts for the day:

1. I LOVE being productive. Even if it just involves cleaning, laundry, and job searching. I love the feeling of finishing things and knowing you accomplished some goals. This might be a reflection of how horribly boring my life is, but seriously guys its freakin' sweet to be sitting in a clean room with the windows open and sun shining.

2. The other day my good friend Justin told me to never say never. What a great piece of advice. I've been super stressed out recently about job searching and realizing that all jobs pretty much suck. I need to learn to take a step back and not forget to live in today. Thanks JB. Yes, I realize that I just trivialized my future career, but hey that 16 year old has got game. Who wouldn't want to be him?

3. If i had my way right now I would be laying in one of these:
In a place that looked like this:

Reading this:

Drinking this:

And hanging out with somebody like this:

I believe I can make this vision happen. Never say never right?

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