Dear Yesterday: You were by far the worst day I have had in LONG time. It's a funny story now, and I'm glad that Jesus gave me joy to laugh as things went wrong, but seriously let's not have it be that bad for a while k? Dear Rangers: It's time. Dear Finance Test: Prepare to get dominated tonight. Dear Mommy: Thank you for hanging out with me all day Saturday, I hope I can be as wonderful as you someday. It's such a blessing to have a mom that is first on my list to call everyday. I love you! Dear Semester: You're half over. ballin! Dear Jelly Bean: You're precious, and I love all your pictures and voicemails. This week i've been constantly reminded of the absolutely beautiful picture you are of how much Christ loves us. Can't believe it's been 6 years since I met you.
Where I will be hanging out all day studying:
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