This summer I was a mountain woman. I rappelled, rock climbed, hiked, ran around in the mountains, and spent the other half of my time "working in the office." I quotationed that because preeeettty much that meant I spent most of my office time figuring out a way to sneak out and run around outside some more.

continental divide hike, pretty effin' cool huh?
Needless to say, it was one of the best experiences of my life. I can't even begin to tell all the stories, this post would never end.
Leaving that chapter of my life sucked, because it meant that not only was I traveling into the hell-hole known as Texas right now, but I was also entering a whole new world of unknowns. Kinda sounds familiar right? Yea I know, it never ends blah blah blah.
I'm figuring my life out right now. In the midst of moving and working a full-time job, I'm slowly figuring it out. Maybe I'll update this baby as I progress, but let's be for real... I've said that about 50 times in past entries so we all know it means shit.