I'm not a valentine's day girl. Never have been, probably never will be. Single or not, it's never been a holiday I celebrate with much enthusiasm. I guess i've always seen it as a publicized way to tell someone you care about them, which I think you should do every day anyways.
Valentine's day isn't about just saying "i love you" or a dozen roses. love to me is about actions. the original Valentine was a Roman Christian martyred for witnessing to his prison guards. As he was led to his death he wrote a note to the jailer's daughter signing it "from your Valentine." How ironic is it that this candy filled, cupid adorned, card infested holiday originated from a witness of our loving Savior. As he was led to death, he chose his last words to reflect on how he loved our Lord enough to die. It always amazes me that our God can be seen and reflected even in a celebration we focus around ourselves.
Growing up my mom used to take us to a nursing home by our house around this time of year and we would pass out candy and sing old songs to the people in the wheelchairs and hospital beds. I remember always leaving feeling really sad for those lonely hearts who didn't have anyone to come eat jello with them. It also made me thankful though. Thankful for the people in my life that I knew loved me and would always take care of me.
There are people in my life that I love, and then there are people in my life that I love. when I think about actions that reflect love, one person sticks out in my mind far above the rest. my dad is not a man of many words, he is painfully awkward to have a phone conversation with, and we don't even really have a lot in common. That said, I have never ever once in my entire life doubted his love for me. When I'm home he fills my car up with gas, when I'm away he fills up my bank account. The reason I'm in college today is because he started saving money for my tuition before I even decided to go. When I'm upset I call him and he reasons with my tears. When I'm happy I call him and he tells me how proud he is of me. He models what it means to have a relationship with Christ. He's the reason I have such high standards for the man I'm going to marry. He never fails to tell me I deserve the best. I love him.

I know that when most people think of February 14th, they don't think of their dads, but I guess this was just my excuse to express my thankfulness to him. He will probably never see this, but if anything it will remind me to tell him how much he means to me.
This picture is from one of the best moments of my life. My dad baptized me in the Georgetown River when I was 11 years old, and my life hasn't been the same since.
Maybe this post won't mean anything to you, but I hope that if nothing else you take from it that love is more than words, candy, or presents.
When you're spending time with your sweethearts today, tell them how thankful you are for their friendship and love.
Happy Valentines Day.